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Daarnaast kunt u de onderstaande resultatenbrochure raadplegen. Deze is opgesteld voor onze respondenten en geeft, in het Nederlands, een korte samenvatting van enkele onderzoeken gebaseerd op SHARE-gegevens.

Brochure voor respondenten

Artikelen in wetenschappelijke tijdschriften
  • Nisen, L., Reynaert, J.-F., Linchet, S., & Gerday, A.-F. (2014). Synergie en santé: 2. Cahier Bien Vieillir et préserver l’autonomie. Synergies statistiques Wallonie – Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.

  • Kovalenko, M., & Mortelmans, D. (2013). A comparative perspective on career mobility in Europe: career patterns and their effects on retirement timing. Steunpunt Werk en Sociale Economie (WSE-report 10-2013).

  • Breda, J., Pacolet, J., Hedebouw, G., & Vogels, J. (2010). Programmatie thuiszorg- en ouderenvoorzieningen. Leuven: HIVA.

  • Van den Heede, A., Van den Bosch K., & Cantillon B. (2010). Wie belegt in wat? Het beleggingsgedrag van Belgische gezinnen: een verkennende analyse.

  • Vandenberghe, V. (2023). Differentiating retirement age to compensate for health and longevity inequality? In A. Gosseries, & G. Bognard (eds.), Ageing without Ageism? Conceptual Puzzles and Policy Proposals, Oxford University Press.
  • Klimaviciute, J., Perelman S., Pestieau P. & Schoenmaeckers, J. (2017). Pourquoi s’occupe-t-on de ses vieux parents? Par amour, intérêt ou obligation? In A. Vandenhooft, S. Carbonnelle, T. Eggerickx, V. Flohimont, & S. Perelman (eds.), Vieillissement et entraide: Quelles méthodes pour décrire et mesurer les enjeux? (pp. 159-183), Presses Universitaires de Namur.

  • Bonsang, E., & Schoenmaeckers, J. (2015). Long-term care insurance and the family: Does the availability of potential caregivers substitute for long-term care insurance? SHARE First Results Book Wave 5. DOI: 10.1515/9783110444414-035.

  • Laferrere, A., & Van den Bosch, K. (2015). Unmet need for long-term care and social exclusion. In A. Börsch-Supan, T. Kneip, H. Litwin, M. Myck, & G. Weber (Eds.), Ageing in Europe – Supporting Policies for an Inclusive Society (pp. 331-342). Berlin: De Gruyter. DOI: 10.1515/9783110444414-032.

  • Jousten, A., Lefèbvre, M., & Perelman, S. (2014). Health Status, Disability and Retirement Incentives in Belgium. In: Wise, D. (Ed.), Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World: Disability Insurance Programs and Retirement. NBER & Chicago Press. DOI: 10.7208/chicago/9780226262604.003.0004.

  • Laferrère, A., Van den Heede, A., Van den Bosch, K., & Geerts, J. (2013). Entry into institutional care: predictors and alternatives. In: Börsch-Supan, A., Brandt, M., Litwin, H., & Weber, G. (Eds.), Active ageing and solidarity between generations in Europe: First results from SHARE after the economic crisis. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 253-264. DOI: 10.1515/9783110295467.253.

  • Schoenmaeckers, J. (2013). Filling in the gap: how to explain the divergence between subjective and objective health measures. In: Börsch-Supan, A., Brandt, M., Litwin, H., & Weber, G. (Eds.), Active ageing and solidarity between generations in Europe: First results from SHARE after the economic crisis. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 187-198. DOi: 10.1515/9783110295467.187.

  • Geerts, J. (2012). De wisselwerking tussen de formele en de informele zorg in Europa. In: Vanderleyden, L., & Callens, M. (Eds.), Generaties en solidariteit in woord en daad (SVR-Studie 2012/1). Peer: Drukkerij Hendrix, pp. 129-158.

  • Jousten, A., Lefèbvre, M., & Perelman, S. (2012). Disability in Belgium. There is more than meets the eye. In: Wise, D.A. (Ed.), Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World: Historical Trends in Mortality and Health, Employment, and Disability Insurance Participation and Reforms. NBER & Chicago Press, pp. 47-76. DOI: 10.7208/chicago/9780226921952.001.0001.

  • Willemé, P., Geerts, J., Cantillon, B., & Mussche, N. (2012). Long-Term Care Financing in Belgium. In: Costa-Font, J., Courbage, C., (Eds.), Financing Long-Term Care in Europe: Institutions, Markets and Models. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 300-321. DOI: 10.1057/9780230349193_16.

  • Dewilde, C., Van den Bosch, K., & Van den Heede, A. (2011). Separation: consequences for wealth in later life. In: Börsch-Supan, A., Brandt, M., Hank, K., & Schröder, M. (Eds.), The Individual and the Welfare State: Life Histories in Europe. Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 103-114. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-17472-8_9.

  • Lambert, P., Perelman, S., Pestieau, P., & Schoenmaeckers, J. (2011). Health insurance coverage and adverse selection. In: Börsch-Supan, A., Brandt, M., Hank, K., & Schröder, M. (Eds.), The Individual and the Welfare State: Life Histories in Europe. Springer: Heidelberg, pp. 225-231. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-17472-8_20.

  • Pestieau, P., Perelman, S., Lefèbvre, M., & Jousten, A. (2010). The Effects of Early Retirement on Youth Unemployment: The Case of Belgium. In: Gruber, J. & Wise, D. (Eds.), Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World: The Relationship to Youth Employment. University of Chicago Press. DOI: 10.7208/9780226309507-003

  • Geerts, J. (2009). Gebruik van formele en informele zorg door ouderen: Vlaanderen/België in Europees vergelijkend perspectief. In: Cantillon, B., Van den Bosch, K., & Lefebure, S (Eds.), Ouderen in Vlaanderen en Europa. Tussen vermogen en afhankelijkheid. Leuven: Acco, pp. 155-189.

  • Flawinne, X., & Perelman, S. (2021). La vie après 50 ans. Faits marquants révélés par l'enquête européenne SHARE. Presses Universitaires de Liège & ULiège Library, 340 pagina’s.

  • Cantillon, B., & Vandenbroucke, F. (Eds.) (2014). Reconciling work and poverty reduction: how successful are European welfare states? Oxford University Press, 494 pagina’s.

  • Cantillon, B., Van den Bosch, K., & Lefebure, S. (2009). Ouderen in Vlaanderen en Europa: Tussen vermogen en afhankelijkheid. Leuven: Acco, 232 pagina’s.

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